Off we go

Talking about going back to Montana seemed like a dream. But here we finally made it!! On June 18, we left Boston and flew to Salt Lake City. Or rather, as my girls wanted to point out, we flew to Dallas Texas first. They checked off Texas as a state to which they have now been, so that was super important. Then as we flew into SLC, we watched the roiling landscape come up and dove into the bowl of mountains. From the plane we got a great view of the Great Salt Lake. It is huge and as impressive as I remember it. Callie loved watching the mountains and clouds out the plane window and we really did get a good show that day. I was moved at coming back to the place I spent two important years. It was definitely more smoggy and has grown up a bunch, but some memories came flooding back. It was very special and moving to go back to the spot where I spent the afternoon of September 11, 2001. Also I got to show my mom and...